Free Driving Lessons In Galway City


 Free Driving Lessonssmart phone with wheels on it

There are four different methods to be the beneficiary of free driving lessons in Galway City and surrounding suburbs from Confident driving School Galway. Why are we giving free lessons? Because we want to encourage you to learn to drive safely for life.

That’s Why!

Free Introductory Driving Lesson

Your very first introductory one hour Essential Driver Training lesson is totally free.

This is to show you our Approved Driving Instructors (ADI) can hold a conservation with young people resulting in a relaxed learning atmosphere. Conservations are humorous, educational and increase self-confidence.

We will have some fun on your journey to becoming a fully qualified driver. You will be convinced we offer the best deals for your Essential Driver Training.

Recommend Friends or Family and Get a Free Lesson or 20 Euro Cash Freegolden pot of gold coins

If you give Confident Driving School Galway a recommendation you will get a free driving lesson or €20 cash for every friend who books a package with us. You can recommend the site by

  • Texting Site Name to Friends
  • Emailing Site Link to Friends
  • Use of Social Media Is Simple

IF five of your friends book a package with us you could have a windfall of €100 for putting them on the best driving school in Galway. Remember the first EDT lesson is totally FREE and the second is only €20. This is to show them the high quality of instruction before they book a package. Don’t worry; they will be very happy to learn to drive with us.

Use of Social Media to make a recommendation through Sharing

On the top and bottom of the web pages there are sharing icons for the different social media. The great thing about these sharing icons is: they will load the page for you to share with your friends. Now that is pretty easy wouldn’t you say? Here is a quick guide to using the various social media when giving a recommendation.


Is a great way to share the news of free driving lessons, by clicking on the browse people icon (on right of text box) on Google+, you can pick who to share the site with by choosing from your different circles:

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Acquaintances
  • Gmail Contacts, Send Mail to Many.

The webpage is shared automatically.


Facebook will allow you to customize your sharing in many ways, from the share on your timeline dialog box the drop down arrow gives you the following options:

  • Share on your timeline
  • Share on a friends timeline
  • Share in a Group
  • Share on a page you manage
  • Send a private message

The page is shared to whatever option your choose automatically.


Just click on the twitter Icon to automatically tweet page to your friends. How simple is that?

What to do next?

Just send an email to

Include your name in the email and we will log you in our database. If your friend says you recommended us, we will be in contact to organize your money. The more you recommend the more cash you will make.

Develop a Good Attitudeman thinking positively

If we feel you as a learner driver are developing the correct attitude for save driving for life we will give you a free lesson.

Monthly Competition for our Students

You can also enter our monthly competition to win two free Driving Lessons. You will have to have booked a package deal with us to enter this competition. The competition will be a multiply choice quiz, based on the excellent notes we will give you. This quiz is designed to show us you have developed the correct mind set to be a safe driver for life.

Knowledge trumps skill on the road, it’s what will stop you getting into trouble in the first place.

The quiz below is for enjoyment only but is very similar to the competition quiz. See how you get on! This will give you some idea of the training you will receive with us. There are fifteen questions in total and we will give you a grade.

  • Fail
  • Pass
  • Merit
  • Distinction

If you would like to repeat the quiz, just reload the page!

Good Luck!dice with question marks

Confident Driving School Galway Knowledge Quiz

On a wet road at 50km/h your total stopping distance would be?


It’s summer, after a long spell of dry weather you’re off on your annual motor holiday, the forecast is for sunshine and showers. How would this affect your driving?


Why is it important to be mindful of your following position?


Obviously you must know your braking distances for different speeds and weather conditions, but your braking distance can be increased by other factors. How many are there?


Finding yourself with too much speed on a bend you are forced to brake. How many tyres will be actually gripping the road?


What rule will help you avoid tailgating when following behind other traffic in wet weather?


Give the correct procedure for negotiating a bend


When you visually check your tyres once a week, how many defects will you be looking for?


Approaching a junction of equal importance without traffic controls


How many rules of good braking are there?


What is the power change?


Use of the horn can differenciate between a defensive driver and an aggressive driver. A defensive driver would?


If you attempt to change a tyre on the hard shoulder of a motorway, what can happen?


Using the tyres on tarmac (TOT) truism will help you avoid rear end shunts when stopping behind traffic. How do we apply this saying?


Ironically, just after passing your driving test is the most likely time for an accident to occur. Why is this?


Question 1 of 15

NOTE: Rear end shunts account for 40% of all collisions which can result in whiplash injuries.

As a Final Point

Do not take any shortcuts on your driver training! If you do, the consequences for you and other road users could be for life. The freedom of getting into a car and going anywhere you like comes with a great responsibility. Learn to drive defensively and it will pay you back in ways you couldn’t possible image.

                        Our Motto: Confidence through Skill Knowledge and Attitude.

                        Patient Instructors – Great Driving Lessons –Top Resultsman beside a just do sign

                Cool calm collective and a can do attitude.

  Click here to contact us to-day


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